Anti Ragging Committee

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01 Name of the Institutions St. Pauls College of Pharmacy
02 Address / Village Sy No. 603, 604 & 605, Turkayamjal Hayathnagar Mandal, R.R. Dist – 501 510
03 Name & Address of Affiliating University Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500007
04 Name & Address of DTE Tarnaka, Secunderabad,.
5 Date of Constitution of Anti Ragging by Squad 15.06.2018

[/vc_column_text][mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h3″ color=”#000000″ size=”18″ font_weight=”bold” margin_bottom=”0″ font_family=”none”]Contact Details of In Charge – See Details Below[/mk_fancy_title][mk_table]

S.No Name Designation Phone number Email
1 Dr. B .Chandra Shekar


Chairman 9849240516 [email protected]
2 Mr. B Venkatramana Reddy

Administrative Officer

Member 9246204639 [email protected]
3 Dr. P. Sunil Kumar Chaitanya


Member 9550343883 [email protected]
4 Mr.S. Kiran Kumar

Assoc.Professor (Gents)

Member 9885890330 [email protected]
5 Dr. Ajay Godwin Potnuri

Assoc.Professor (Gents)

Member 8891430153 [email protected]
6 Mrs. P. Naga Haritha

Asst.Professor (Women)

Member 8019993220 [email protected]
7 Mrs. Nasreen Suthana

Asst.Professor (Women)

Member 8897595775 [email protected]
8 Mr. Hisham Uddin B.Pharm  (IV Year) 6301267304


[email protected]
9 Ms. Sai Shivani B.Pharm  (IV Year) 7386640315 [email protected]
10 Mr. V Arun Reddy B.Pharm  (III Year) 7036378531 [email protected]
11 Ms.Y Jhansi B.Pharm  (III Year) 9490039601 [email protected]
12 Mr.  K Prashnath B.Pharm   (II Year) 9652807742 [email protected]
13 Ms. R Rajarajeshwari B.Pharm   (II Year) 9966085639 [email protected]
14 Mr.Azher Sharif Pharm.D

(IV Year)

8801687024 [email protected]
15 Ms.B. Sravanthi Pharm.D

( IV Year)

9492184159 [email protected]
16 Mr.Mohd Adnan Ali Pharm.D

(III Year)

8919533664 [email protected]
17 Ms.Ch Suchitha Patel Pharm.D

( III Year)

9440670549 [email protected]
18 Mr. P Sai Ram Pharm.D

(II Year)

944087046 [email protected]
19 Mr. T Lavanya Pharm.D

( II Year)

9491440814 [email protected]

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[/mk_fancy_title][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1635155287910{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]As per the directive of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, New Delhi, the anti- ragging Committee at the Institute level is hereby constituted for prevention of ragging and also to ensure the implementation of anti – ragging measures in the college campus.[/vc_column_text][mk_table] Name of the Member Designation Contact No
1 Dr. B. Chandrashekar Principal 9849240516
2 Dr. M. Kiranmai Vice Principal 9052001390
3 Dr. K. Venu Madhav HOD, Department of pharmaceutics 9885146418
4 Dr. P. Sunil Kumar Chaitanya HOD,Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis 9550343883
4 Mr. Anand B.Pharm (IVYear) 9603053136
5 Ms. R Gayathri B.Pharm (III Year) 9010848774
6 Mr. Sujender Sangam Parent Representative 9866146809
7 Mr. Suresh Kumar Sub-Inspector, Adibatla 9490617432

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