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B.PHARMACY (2020-21)

Sl.NoProject Title
1Green synthesis and adjuvant anti microbial potential of gold nanoparticles in treating UTI’S
2The impact of COVID-19 vaccination on quality of life
3Invitro anti-inflammatory activity of white tea
4Monitoring, detection & assessment of ADRs for commonly used drugs
5Formulation and Evaluation of Polyherbal Shampoo powder
6Formulation and Evaluation of hair conditioners

M.PHARMACY (2020-21)

Sl.NoProject Title
1Design and Development of Value Added Nutraceutical Functional Food for the Benefit of Diabetic Population
2Preparation and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Formulation for Antibacterial Adjuvant Activity
3Development and Invitro Evaluation of Self Microemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems of Chlorpromazine
4Formulation,Characterization and Invitro Evaluation of ZnO Nanoparticles of Manikara Zapota Plant
5Studying Influence of Permeation Enhances on Invitro performance of Curcumin Transdermal Patches

PHARM.D (2020-21)

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1A Comparative Study on Outcomes of Covid-19 Vaccines (Covaxin and Covishield)
2Clinical Profile and Side effects of Chronic Oral Amiodarone in Cardiology Outpatients
3Quality of Life Assessment of Covid-19 Patients with Pharmacoeconomics Perspective
4Safety Assessment of ADRs of Covid Vaccination
5Quality of Life and Common Misconceptions of a Covid Patient Care Giver and Providing Interventional Educational Strategies to Overcome Them

PHARM.D (2019-20)

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1A Prospective Observational Study on Prescription and Dispensing Errors 
2Drug Utilization Study of Antimicrobials in Non surgical Patients in a Multispeciality Hospital