Statutory Committees 

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Composition Of Statutory Committees 2023-2024

Every Committee Meets At Least Once In A Semester

S.noName of the memberRoleContact numberMail i.d
1.Dr. N. SarithaPresiding officer8317660516[email protected]

Grievance Redressal Committee For Faculty

1Dr. M. KiranmaiChairperson
2Dr. P. Sunil Kumar ChaitanyaMember
3Dr. Naga Raju KandukooriMember
4Ms. B. JyothiMember

Grievance Redressal Committee For Students

1Dr. M. KiranmaiChairperson
2Dr. P. Sunil Kumar ChaitanyaMember
3Dr. Sneha ThakurMember
4Dr. Nikita GuptaMember
5Mr. AnandM. Pharm Student Member
6Mr. ShahzaanB.Pharm Student Member
7Ms. SatvikaPharm D Student Member

Internal Complaints Committee

S.NoName of the memberRoleContact numberMail i.d
1Dr. N. Saritha DeviPresiding officer (PO)8317660516[email protected]
2Dr. Somnath DeMale faculty member9618347303[email protected]
3Mrs. P. RojaFemale faculty member9000373960[email protected]
4Mr. K. RamuNon teaching staff member9394825406[email protected]

5Mrs. P. RajaniNon teaching staff member9849247072[email protected]
6Mrs. Neeraja RaniSocial Worker9840933273[email protected]
7Samudrala RameshAdvocate9494541125[email protected]
8Mr. MalllikarjunStudent representative-I8179109801Mallikarjunyadav2266
9Ms. Rachana JhaStudent representative-II7981066525[email protected]
10Ms .AnushaStudent representative-III9052566890[email protected]

Anti Ragging Committee

S.NoName & DesignationRolePhone NumberEmail
1Prof. M. Kiranmai PrincipalChairman9052001390[email protected]
2Dr. P. Sunil Kumar Chaitanya HODHOD, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis9550343883[email protected]
3Dr. K. Venu Madhav HODHOD, Department of Pharmaceutics9885146418[email protected]
4Administrative Officer
Member9394825406[email protected]
5Mr. K. Laxmi NarayanaSub-Inspector Adibatla9160868680-
6Mr. Chenna AnilParent Representative8121986355-
7Ms. B. RamyaPharm.D (V Year)8790686097[email protected]
8M. Ranjan KumarB. Pharm (III year)8096073562[email protected]
9Mr. MallikarjunPharm.D (IV Year)8179109801[email protected]
10Ms. SamyukthaB. Pharm (IVYear)9393078574[email protected]
11Ms. VineelaPharm.D (IVYear)7732014097[email protected]
12Mr. S. Tharun KumarB.Pharm (III Year)9014982327[email protected]
13Ms. Anjali JoshiB.Pharm (III Year)7569899984[email protected]
14Ms. A. ShivaniPharm.D (III Year)602240774[email protected]
15Mr. K. PramodB. Pharm (II Year)9849838860[email protected]
16Ms. DivyaB. Pharm (II Year)9347788504[email protected]
17Mr. Mayank SharmaPharm.D (II Year)9010132982[email protected]

Anti – Discrimination Cell (Adc)

1Dr. P. Sunil Kumar ChaitanyaProfessorConvenor
2Dr. Are AnushaAssociate ProfessorMember
3Mrs. P. Naga HarithaAssociate ProfessorMember
4Mrs. P. RojaAssociate ProfessorMember

Gender Sensitization Cell

1Mrs. E. Navya PravalaAssistant ProfessorConvenor
2Dr. K.Venu MahavProfessorMember
3Dr. Naga Raju KandukooriAssistant ProfessorMember
4Dr. Sneha ThakurAssistant ProfessorMember
5Mrs. B. DeepikaAssistant ProfessorMember
6Mrs. P. Naga HarithaAssistant ProfessorMember