OBE Workshops

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Outcome Based Education (OBE)

Sl.NoFacultyConference/Workshop AttendedSponsor, Organizer and placeDate
1Dr.P.Sunil Kumar ChaitanyaPedagogy and research methods in Pharmacykrishna Teja college of Pharmacy in association with APTI16/8/2021 to 18/8/2021
2Dr. Sneha ThakurThree day E-FDP on pedagogye research methods in PharmacyKrishna Teja College of Pharmacy in association with APTI16.08.2021 to 18.08.2021
3P. Naga HarithaPedagogy and research methods in Pharmacykrishna Teja college of Pharmacy in association with APTI16/8/2021 to 18/8/2021
4Ms.B.JyothiSix day short term training programJNTUH – IST22/3/21 to 27/3/21
5Mrs.P.JagruthiSix day short term training programJNTUH – IST22/3/21 to 27/3/21
6Mrs.J.SujathaSix day short term training program Inspirational teaching,learning & research methods online education toolsJNTUH – IST22/3/21 to 27/3/21
7Dr.Suhera SahiSix day short term training programJNTUH – IST22/3/21 to 27/3/21
8Mrs.Hafsa SiddiquaSix day short term training programJNTUH – IST22/3/21 to 27/3/21
9Dr. Nasreen SulthanaTwo week online AICTE sponsored FDP-1Konkan gyanapeeth Rahul dharkar college of pharmacy and research institute15/3/21 to 25/3/21
10Mrs.Farhana ShaheenAICTE sponsored short term training program on effective teaching, learning pedagogy and research skill developmentModern College of Pharmacy ,PUNE17.03.2021 to 23.03.2021
11Mrs.P.RojaAICTE sponsored short term training program on effective teaching, learning pedagogy and research skill developmentModern College of Pharmacy ,PUNE17.03.2021 to 23.03.2021
12Mrs.T.Madhuri LathaAICTE sponsored short term training program on effective teaching, learning pedagogy and research skill developmentModern College of Pharmacy ,PUNE17.03.2021 to 23.03.2021
13Mrs. P Naga HarithaAICTE sponsored short term training program on effective teaching,learning pedagogy and research skill developmentModern College of Pharmacy ,PUNE17.03.2021 to 23.03.2021
14Dr.M.KiranmaiMapping of Cos with PO PSo and attainment calculations.Tolani Motwane Institute of Management Studies7/8/9/28/29 of Dec 2020
15Dr.K.VenkateswarluMapping of Cos with PO PSo and attainment calculations.Tolani Motwane Institute of Management Studies7/8/9/28/29 of Dec 2020
16P. Naga HarithaA Four week FDP (MOOCs) on effective use of ICT tools in teaching-learning.Modern college of pharmacy, Pune in association of pharmaceutical teachers of India.8.6.2020 to 7.7.2020

Obe Workshops Attended By Faculty In 2019-2020

Sl.NoFacultyConference/Workshop AttendedSponsor, Organizer and placeDate
1Dr.K.Venu MadhavTwo Day Webinar on Design of experimentsVignan pharmacy college in collaboration with APTI30.05.2020 to 31.05.2020
2Dr. M. KiranmaiFDP on research paper and project proposal writing.Dept of EEE, Sreevidyanikethanengineeringcollege-Tirupati15.5.2020 to 16.5.2020
3Dr. V. Asha JyothiFDP on research paper and project proposal writing.Dept of EEE, Sree vidyanikethan engineering college-Tirupati15.5.2020 to 16.5.2020
4Dr.T.KeerthiFDP on research paper and project proposal writing.Dept of EEE, Sree vidyanikethan engineering college-Tirupati15.5.2020 to 16.5.2020
5Dr. M. KiranmaiTwo day FDP on virtual teaching. (CIT-TLC)Coimbatore Institute of Technology. (CIT-TLC)29.4.2020 to 30.4.2020
6Mr.R.AvinashNew Paradigms in Teaching – Learning ProcessSt. Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences & PCI26/7/2018 to 28/7/2018