Session On How To Plan For Start-up And Legal & Ethical Step

May 30, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Mentor mentee program initiative

St. Pauls IIC Cell as a mentee institute in association with Mentor IIC institute CMR college of engineering and technology has conducted session on “How to plan for Start-up and legal & Ethical Step” as part of Quarter III activity on 30th May 2024 @ MoE innovation cell

Session 1: The session highlighted on the key aspects of strategy and approaches to ideation, critical thinking and need of startup orientation that can leverage the innovation. Session also discussed on the startup opportunities, funds and orientation of entrepreneurial skills.

Outcome: Knowledge of startup funding and opportunities, need of critical thinking skills, Upgrading knowledge on entrepreneurial skills

Session 2:
The session highlighted the need of entrepreneurship in the present generation. As India is growing innovation ecosystem the startup culture is still in progress and upgrading the design thinking skills to pursue innovation and entrepreneurship as career can give bright results.

Outcome: Knowledge of ideation, design thinking and prototyping, Entrepreneurial opportunities.

We are thankful to IIC president Dr. Kiranmai Mandava St Pauls College of Pharmacy for encouging startup culture.

Special thanks to IIC coordinator St Pauls Dr. Sneha Thakur and Dr. Prema Latha (IIC coordinator CMR college) for coordination and successful conduct of the program.


May 30, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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