St Pauls IIC cell Celebrating WORLD IP DAY @ MoE INNOVATION CELL
Webinar on “Steps in patent filing and importance of PCT”
It is an intellectual session that elaborated the steps on patent filing and also deliberate checking of the patent filing aspect. Further the forms for patent filing and grant were discussed pertaining to pharmaceutical innovation.
Resource person:
Kompal Bansal (B. Tech, PGDCA Gold Medalist, LLB)
Patent and Trade Marks Agent & Founding Partner,
Bansal IP Associates (Formerly “Corporate Consultants”)
The highlights of the session are on the
Check for patentability
Forms and grant aspects
Innovation in pharma Prior art.
The students and faculty attended the session and took good learning home.
Thanks to Dr. M. Kiranmai IIC president for encouraging the IP related programs and special thanks to the management for the constant support in arranging for so many knowledgeable workshops for the learning of students and the stakeholders.